This page contains the 504 references that Ross listed on pages 0160+04 to 0160+46.
In about 1944, Ross stopped maintaining this list, and started using a card index for the references. That card index was
thrown away :-(
Click any reference number to go to the alphabetical list of references.
1 | Jung "Psychology of the unconscious" Translated by B.M. Hinkle London 1922 |
2 | Bainbridge and Menzies "Essentials of physiology" 4th Edition London 1920 |
3 | Hipschmann "Freud's theories of the neurosis." Translated C.R. Payne. London 1921. |
4 | Price, F.W. "Textbook of medicine." London. 1922. |
5 | Pavlov, I.P. "Conditioned reflexes." Oxford. 1927. |
6 | Kemple, H. R. "Alternating currents." London. 1916. |
7 | "Evan's Journal" Vol 2. No 1. Jan. 1930. p.16. |
8 | Willows and Hatschek "Surface tension." London. 2nd. Edition. 1919. |
9 | "Nature" 15 March 1930. |
10 | Hatschek "Introduction to the physics and chemistry of colloids." London. 4th Edition. 1922. |
11 | Bayliss "Interfacial forces and phenomena in physiology" London. 1923. |
12 | Clowes, G. A. H. "Proc. Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine." X1, p.1 ,1913. |
13 | Hirschfelder, A. D. and Searles, E. L. "Journal of Experimental Pharmakology and Experimental Therapy. [?]" 1926, XXXIX., p. 441. |
14 | Brain, W. R. "Recent advances in neurology." London. 2nd Edition. 1930. (Quoting Ref. 15.) |
15 | See Ref. 5. |
16 | [Crossed out] |
17 | Samson Wright. "Applied physiology." London. 3rd Edition. 1929. |
18 | Demole, V. "Rev. Neurology." 1927, XXXIV, 1, p.850. |
19 | Cloetta, M., and Thomann, H. "Archiv für Experimental Pathologie und Pharmakologie," 1924, CIII, p.260. |
20 | Adie, W. J. "Idiopathic narcolepsy. A disease sin genesis." Brain, 1926, XLIX., p.257. |
21 | Wilson, S. A. K. "Brain" 1928, LI., 63. |
22 | Falta. "(Quoted in Henderson and Gillespie. Textbook of Psychiatry.)" Oxford. 1927. Page 354. |
23 | du Noüy, P. Lecombe. "Surface equilibria of organic and biological colloids." American Chem. Society Monographs, Chemistry Catalogue Company. New York. |
24 | Cowdray, E. V. "Special cytology." Edited by E. V. Cowdray. Pub. Paul B. Hoeber, New York, 1928. Vol 2., Section XXVII, p. 982. |
25 | Stewart, J. Perves. "The diagnosis of nervous disorders." 1920, 5th Edition, Pub. Arnold, London, p. 166. |
26 | Helmholtz, S. von. "Quoted in Mellor J. W. - Higher mathematics for students of chemistry and physics." London. 2nd Edition 1905. Page 463. |
27 | Driesch "Quoted in von Üxküll." Ref. 29. Page 181. |
28 | Wilson, S. A. K. "Lancet." 24 May 1930. |
29 | Üxküll, J. von "Theoretical biology." London. 1926. Pages 152 and 191. |
30 | Freud, S. "The interpretation of dreams." Revised Edition 1915. London. Translation of 3rd Edition by A. A. Brill. |
31 | Piéron, Henri. "Thought and the brain." Translated by C. K. Ogden. London. 1927. |
32 | Monokow, von. "Die lokalisation im Grosshirn" 1914 |
33 | Goldstein, K. und Gelb, A. "Zeitschrift für Psychologie." LXXXIII. Pages 1 and 2. |
34 | Lapicque, L. "Principles pour une théorie du fouctionnement nerveux." Revue Général des Sciences 1910. Pages 113-117. Vol.XXI. |
35 | Bourguignon, G. "La Signification Physiopathologique du signe de Babinski." C. R. Ac. Des Sciences. July 20 1925. |
36 | Delage, Yves. "Le rêve." Paris. 1920. |
37 | Rabaud, E. "Eléments de Biologie générale." Paris. 1921. |
38 | Pavlov, I. P. "La vraie physiologie cérébral." Archives International de Physiologie. 1921. XVIII. Pages 607-616. |
39 | Jones, F. W. and Portens, S. D. "The matrix of the mind." London 1929. |
40 | Halliburton, W.D. and McDowell, R.J.S. "Handbook of physiology" London, 18th Edition, 1928. |
41 | Bayliss, W. M. "Principles of general physiology." 4th Edition. London. 1924. |
42 | Lapicque, L. "Phys. Général du Systeme Nerveux" In Nouveau traité de Psychologie by George Dumas. Librarie Félix Alcan. Paris. 1929 or 1930. |
43 | Lapicque, L. and others. "Meeting of the Physiological Society of Great Britain." June 21 1930. |
44 | Henderson, D. K. and Gillespie, R. D. "Textbook of psychiatry." London. 1927. |
45 | Shakespeare, William "King Lear." Act. III. Scene IV. Lines 17-22. |
46 | Head, H. and Holmes, G. "Brain." 1911. Pages 134-135. |
47 | Head, H. "Studies in neurology." Oxford. 1920. |
48 | Rudolf, G. de M. "Plantar reflex in animals." Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. About 1923. |
49 | Claude, A., Bourgingnon, G. and Boruk, H. "Chronaxie dans la démence précoce." Acad. de Medicine. XCVII. 10 May 1927. |
50 | Bouruignon, G. "La chronaxie chez l'Homme." Masson. Paris. 1923. |
51 | Editorial. "The Lancet." June 28. 1930. Page 1411. |
52 | Bouringnon, G. "La chronaxie." Nouveau taité de Medicine. Facicule XVIII. Pages 521-559. Paris. |
53 | Laskley, K. S. "Basic neural mechanisms in behaviour." Psychology Revue. Vol.37. No.1. January 1930. Page 1. |
54 | Lapicque, L. "Chronaxy switching in the nervous system." Science. 1929. 70. Pages 151-154. |
55 | Bouruignon, G. and Haldane, J. B. S. "Nouveau taité de Medicine." Facicule XVIII. Paris. [from Ref 52] |
56 | Bell, C. "Idea of a new anatomy of the brain." London. 1811. |
57 | Magendie, F. "Mémoires sur quelques découvertes récentes relatives aux functions du système nerveux." Tu à la séance publique de l'academie des sciences. Paris. 1823. |
58 | Bell, C. "The nervous system of the human body." Washington. 1833. |
59 | Hall, Marshall. "Synopsis of the diastolic nervous system." London 1850. |
60 | Lewis, G. H. "The physical basis of mind." Boston. 1877. |
61 | Brunton, T. Lauder. "On the nature of inhibition, and the action of certain drugs upon it." Nature. 1883. 27. Pages 419-422, 436-439, 467-468, 485-487. |
62 | Frey, Max von. "Über die Wirkungsweise der Erschlaffenden Gerfäss-Nerven." Ludwig's Arbeiten. 1876. 11. Pages 89-107. |
63 | Howell, W. H. "Inhibition." Physiology Review. 1925. 5. Pages 161-181. |
64 | Marina, A. "Die Relationen des Palacencephalons suid nicht fix." Neurol. Centralb. 1915. 34. Pages 338-345. |
65 | Fearing, Franklin. "Reflex action." London. 1930. |
66 | [Crossed out] |
67 | Rogers, C. G. "Textbook of comparative physiology." New York. 1927. |
68 | Moore, A. R. either:- Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci, 3, 598, or J. Gen. Physiol. 1,1. |
69 | Parker, G. H. "The elimentary nervous system." Philadelphia. 1919. |
70 | Herrick, C. J. "Neurological foundations of animal behaviour." New York. 1924. |
71 | Johnstone, J. "The mechanism of life." London. 1921. |
72 | Crozier, W. J. and Arey, L. B. "Sensory reactions of Chromodoris Zebra." Jour. Exp. Zool., Vol. 29. Pages 261-310. 1919. |
73 | Child, C. M. "Origin and development of the nervous system." University of Chicago Press. 1921. |
74 | Bok, S. T. "Folia Neurobiologica." Bd. 9. Pages 475-565. 1915. |
75 | Ingvar, S. "Reaction of cells to the galvanic current in tissue cultures." Proc. Am. Soc. Exp. Biol., and Med., vol.17, p.198. 1920. |
76 | Kappers, C. U. A. "Die Vergleichende Anatomie des Nervensystems der Wirbeltiere und des Menschen." 2 Vols. Haarlem. 1920-1921. |
77 | Tasturo, S. "A chemical sign of life." University of Chicago Press. 1917. |
78 | Lillie, R. S. "Protoplasmic action and nervous action." University of Chicago Press. 1923. |
79 | Heck, L. "Über die Bildung Einer Assoziation beim Regenwurm auf Grund von Dressur-versuchen." Lotus, Prague. Nos. 67-68. 1919-1920. |
80 | Turner, C. H. "The homing of ants." Journal Comp. Neurology. Vol. 17. Pages 367-437. 1907. |
81 | Triplett, N. B. "The educability of the perch." American Journal of Psychology. Vol.12. Page 354. 1901. |
82 | Craigie, E. H. "Relative vascularity of the central nervous system of the albino rat." Journal. Comp. Neurology. Vol. 31. Pages 429-464. 1920. |
83 | Craigie, E. H. "Vascularity of the cortex of the albino rat." Journal. Comp. Neurology. Vol. 33. Pages 193-212. 1921. |
84 | Smith, S. "The limits of educability in Paramoecium." Journal Comp. Neurol., vol. 18, pp. 499-510. |
85 | Day, Lucy M. and Bentley, M. "A note on learning in Paramecium." Journal Animal Behaviour, vol. 1, pp. 67-73. 1911. |
86 | Thompson, G. P. "The Atom." Home University Library. London. 1930. |
87 | Stout, G. F. "The groundwork of psychology." 3rd Impression. London. 1908. |
88 | Brath, S. de. "Psychical research, science, and religion." London. About 1925. |
89 | Tischner, R. "Telepathy and clairvoyance." Translated from the German. London. 1925. |
90 | Becher, E. "Gehirn und Seele." |
91 | Osty, E. "Supernormal faculties in man." Translated de Brath. London. 1923. |
92 | Herrick, C. J. "Brains of rats and men." Chicago. 1926. |
93 | Morgan, F. H. "Physical basis of heredity." |
94 | Ruggles Gates, R. "Heredity in man." 1929 |
95 | Lashley, K. S. "Brain mechanisms and intelligence." 1929 |
96 | "Psychological Bulletin." Vol.27. No.3. March 1930. |
97 | Lashley, K. S. and Franz, S. I. "The effects of cerebral destruction on the habit formation and retention in the albino rat." Psychobiology. Vol. 1, pp 71-139. |
98 | Lashley, K. S. Studies. VII. Journ. Comp. Neur. 1926. |
99 | Bolton, J. S. "The brain in health and disease." London. 1914. |
100 | MacCurdy. "Psychology of the emotions." 1925 |
101 | Bramwell, J. Milne. "Hypnotism." London. 3rd Edition. 1913. |
102 | Geley Gustave. "From unconscious to conscious." 1920 |
103 | Driesch. "The crisis in psychology." 1925 |
104 | Child, C. M. "Physiological foundations of behaviour." New York. 1924. |
105 | Przabram, H. "Die Bruch Dreifachbildungen im Tierreiche." Archiv für Entwickelungsmech. XLVIII. 1921. |
106 | Driesch, H. "The science and philosophy of the organism." London. 2nd Edition. 1929. |
107 | Darwin, C. "The descent of man." |
108 | Galton, F. "Enquiries into human faculty." |
109 | Sherrington, C. S. "Integrative action of nervous system." 1906 |
110 | Tredgold, A. F. "Mental deficiency." London. 3rd Edition. 1920. |
111 | MacCallum, W. G. "Textbook of Pathology." 2nd Edition 1922. |
112 | Levinson, A. "Cerebrospinal fluid." London. 2nd Edition. 1923. |
113 | Schröder, P. "Introduction to histology and histopathology of nervous system." Translated Lucke and McCutcheon. U.S.A. 1923 |
114 | Buzzard, E. F. and Greenfield, J. G. "Pathology of nervous system." London. 1921 |
115 | Beaumont, G. E. and Dodds, E. C. "Recent advances in medicine." London. 4th Edition. 1928. |
116 | Lee, A. B. "Microloueist's Vade Mecum." London. 7th Edition. 1913. |
117 | Fisher, R. A. "Statistical methods for research workers." Edinburgh. 2nd Edition. 1928. |
118 | Murray, D. A. "Differential equations" London. 1897. |
119 | Davison, C. "Higher algebra." Cambridge. 2nd Edition. 1921. |
120 | Whittaker, E. T. and Robinson, G. "The calculus of observations." London. 2nd Edition. 1929. |
121 | Henrici, O. and Turner, G. C. "Vectors and rotors" London. 1903. |
122 | Shaw, J. B. "Vector calculus." London. 1922. |
123 | Civita, T. Levi. "Absolute differential calculus" London. 1929. |
124 | Young, N. "Fortuna." London. 1928. |
125 | Einstein, A. "Relativity." Translation. London. 1920. |
126 | Thirring, J. H. "The ideas of Einstein's theory." Translation. London. 1921. |
127 | Manning, H. P. "The fourth dimension." London. 1921. |
128 | Myers, C. S. "Textbook of experimental psychology." Cambridge. 2nd Edition. 1922. |
129 | McDougal, W. "Character and the conduct of life." London. 1927. |
130 | Block, Iwan. "The sexual life of our time." Translation. London. 1908. |
131 | Pfister, O. "The psychoanalytic method." Translation. London. About 1915. |
132 | Wittels, F. "Sigmund Freud." Translation. London. 1924. |
133 | Hollander, B. "Hypnosis and self-hypnosis." London. 1928. |
134 | Jones, E. "Treatment of the neuroses." London. 1920. |
135 | Burns, D. "Biophysics." London. 1921. |
136 | Davies, C. W. "Conductivity of solutions." London. 1930. |
137 | Findlay, A. "Osmotic pressure." London. 1913. |
138 | Kaye, G. W. C. and Laby, T. H. "Physical and chemical constants." 4th Edition. London. 1921. |
139 | Dixon, W. E. "Manual of pharmacology." London. 5th Edition. 1923. |
140 | "Alcohol, it's action on the human organism." His Majesty's Stationary Office. London. 2nd Edition. About 1924. |
141 | White, W. H. "Materia Medica." London. 18th Edition. 1924. |
142 | Pauli, W. "Colloid Chemistry of the proteins." Translation. London. 1922. |
143 | Bayliss, W. M. "Nature of enzyme action." London. 4th Edition. 1919. |
144 | Maclean, H. "Lecithin and allied substances." London. 1918. |
145 | Cole, S. W. "Practical physiological chemistry." Cambridge. 6th Edition. 1920. |
146 | Cameron, A. T. "Textbook of biochemistry." London. 1928. |
147 | Pryde, John. "Recent advances in biochemistry." London. 2nd Edition. 1928. |
148 | Newth, G. S. "Textbook of inorganic chemistry." London. New Edition. 1909. |
149 | Berry, A. J. "Volumetric analysis." Cambridge. 4th Edition. 1929. |
150 | Cumming, A. C. and Kay, S. A. "Textbook of quantitative chemical analysis." London. 3rd Edition. 1919. |
151 | Fenton, H. J. H. "Notes on quantitative analysis." Cambridge. New Edition. 1919. |
152 | Devine, H. "Recent advances in psychiatry." London. 1929. |
153 | Feldman, W. H. "Biomathematics." London. 1923. |
154 | Jones, D. C. "First course in statistics." London. 1924. 2nd Edition. |
155 | Yule, G. Udny. "Textbook of statistics." |
156 | Kedley, Truman. "Statistical method." |
157 | Spearman, Charles E. "Abilities of man." London. 1927. |
158 | Leaf, Horace. "What is this spiritualism?" London. 1918. |
159 | Williams, W. Mattieu. "Chemistry of cooking." London. 1906. |
160 | Evans, Herbert M. and Swezy, Olive. "The chromosomes in man." University of California Press. 1929. |
161 | Burt, Cyril. "The measurment of mental capacities." Edinburgh. 1927. (Henderson Trust Lecture No. 7.) |
162 | Jourdain, Phillip E. B. "The nature of mathematics." London. 1912. |
163 | Brown, T. Graham, and Stewart, Roy Mackenzie. "On the physiology of functional paralysis of voluntary movement." Lancet. May 18, 1918, p.702. |
164 | Cohn and Emanuel. "Neurology." Centralplatt. 1912. |
165 | Paulhan, F. "The laws of feeling." Translation. London.1930. |
166 | Spearman, Charles E. "The nature of intelligence and the principles of cognition." London. 1923. |
167 | Naccarati. "Archives of Psych." 1921. No. 45. |
168 | Baldwin, Bird. "Journ. Educ. Psych." 1922. XIII. |
169 | Doll. Publications of Training School at Vineland, No. 8. |
170 | Hart and Spearman. Brit. J. Psych. 1912. Page 75. |
171 | Sandwick. Journ. Educational Research. 1920 |
172 | Sherlock, E. B. "The feeble-minded." London 1911. |
173 | Terman, Lewis M. "The measurement of intelligence." London. 1919. |
174 | Nicole, J, Ernest. "Psychopathology." London. 1930. |
175 | Gesell, Arnold. "Infant behaviour." American Journal or Diseases of Children. Vol. 37. May. 1929 No.5, p. 1055. |
176 | Gesell, Arnold. "The mental growth of the pre-school child." New York. 1925. |
177 | Gesell, Arnold. "Infancy and human growth." New York. 1928. |
178 | Wilson, S. A. Kinnier. "Presidentila Address, Section of Psychiatry." Royal Soc. Of Medicine, London. Vol. XXIV, No2. 1930. |
179 | Riddock, G. "Brain." 1917. XL, 15. |
180 | Holomes, Gordon and Horrase, G. "Arch. of Neurol. and Psych." 1919. I., 385. |
181 | Ashby, W. R. "A cell for the measurement of the specific conductivity of the blood-serum." Biochem. Journal. 1930. Vol. XXIV. No. 5, p. 1557. |
182 | Langley, J. N. "Journal of Physiology." 1901. XXVII, p. 224. |
183 | "The Bible." |
184 | Ladd, G. Trumbull. "Contribution to the psychology of visual dreams." Mind. April. 1892. |
185 | Leacock, Stephen. "Frenzied fiction." London. 1919. Page 59. |
186 | Schopenhauer, Arthur. "The world as will and idea." 1819 |
187 | Hartmann, Karl Robert Eduard von. "The philosophy of the unconscious." 1869. Has been translated. |
188 | McDougal, William. "Physiological Psychology." London. 3rd Edition. 1911. |
189 | Saint-Denis, Hervey de. (anonymous). "Les rêves et les moyens de les diriger." Paris. 1867. |
190 | Vaschide, N. "Recherches exp. sur les rêves." C. R. Acad. Des Sciences. 1899, p. 183-186. [...] le sommeil et les rêves. Ed. Flammarion. 1911. |
191 | Goblot, E. "Le souvenir des rêves." Rev. Phil., XLII, 228-280, 1896; XLIII, 672, 1897. |
192 | Bergson, H. "Le rêve." Bull. de l'Instit. Gén. Psych., 1901. 1re Anée, 103-122 and Rev. Scient., 4e S., XV, * Juin., 703-713. |
193 | Berry, R. J. S. "Brain and mind." New York. 1928. |
194 | Campbell, A. W. "Histology studies in the localisation of cerebral function." Cambridge. 1905. |
195 | Watson, G. A. "The mammalian cerebral cortex, with special reference to its comparative histology I. Insectivora." Arch. Of neurology. Vol. 3. 1907. |
196 | Todd, T. Wingate. "Behaviour patterns of the alimentory tract." Baltimore. U.S.A. 1930. |
197 | Parsons, John Herbert. "Diseases of the eye." London. 4th Edition. 1923. |
198 | Donaldson, H. H. "The growth of the brain." London 1895. |
199 | Wilson, A. "Education, personality and crime." London. 1908. |
200 | Lee, Alice. "Trans. Of Royal Soc." Vol. 196. 1901. |
201 | Berry, R. J. S. and Porteus, S. D. "Publications of the Training School at Vineland, New Jersey. Dept. of Research." No. 20. May 1920. |
202 | Carlson, A. J. "The control of hunger in health and disease." Chicago. 1916. |
203 | Jeans, Sir James. "The mysterious universe." Cambridge. 1930. |
204 | Culpin, Millais. "Recent advances in the psychoneuroses." London. 1931. |
205 | Jaensch. "Eddetic imagery." London.1929. |
206 | Flint, H. T. "Wave mechanics." London. 1929. |
207 | Jones, F. Morton. "Paper in natural history." Nov-Dec 1930, p. 635. (Probably American Journal.) |
208 | Ashby, W. R. "O Agglutuicus in enterica carriers." Journ. of Path. and Bact., XXXIV. No.1. Jan. 1931. |
209 | Bliss, Gilbert Ames. "Calculus of variations." Published by Mathematical Assoc. of America. 1925. |
210 | Weatherburn, C. E. "Elimentary vector analysis." London 1928. |
211 | Sullivan, J. W. N. "The history of mathematics in europe." London 1925. (Oxford Univ. Press.) |
212 | Dudeney, Henry Ernest. "The Canterbury puzzles." 2nd Edition. London 1919. |
213 | Dudeney, Henry Ernest. "Amusements in mathematics." London. About 1917. |
214 | Dudeney, Henry Ernest. "Modern puzzles." London 1926. |
215 | Ball, W. W. Rouse. "Mathematical recreations." London. 10th Edition. 1922. |
216 | Couturat, L. "Algebra of logic." |
217 | Morgan, Augustus de. "A budget of paradoxes." |
218 | Newton, Sir Isaac. "Principia." Quoted in Ref. 203. Page 94. |
219 | Köhler, Wolfgang. "Gestalt psychology." London 1930. |
220 | Herrick, C. J. "Localisation of function in the nervous system." Proc. National Acad. Of Sciences ( U.S.A.) Vol.16. No 10. Oct 15 1930. |
221 | Economo, Constantin von. "Cytoarchitectonics of the human cerebral cortex." Translated. London 1929. |
222 | Bolton, J. S. "The histological basis of amentia and dementia." Archives of Neurology. Vol. II 1903, p. 424. (Merely a reprint) |
223 | Bolton, J. S. "A contribution to the localisation of cerebral function." Brain. XXXIII, 1910-11, p. 26. |
224 | Coghill, G. E. "Anatomy and the problems of behaviour." Cambridge. 1929. |
225 | McCurdy, John T. "A hypothetical constitution of compulsive thinkers." British Journal of Medical Psychology. Vol.VI, Part III, 1926. |
226 | Howe, E. Graham. "Compusive thinking as a castration equivalent." British Journal of Medical Psychology. Vol.IX.. Part 2. 1929, p. 159. |
227 | Ezekiel, Mordecai. "Methods of correlation analysis." New York. 1930. |
228 | Brown, William and Thompson. "Essential of mental measurement." |
229 | Moberly and Jourdain. "An adventure." |
230 | Brodetsky, S. "First course in nomography." London 2nd Edition. 1925. |
231 | Davison, Charles. "Solid geometry." Cambridge 1905 |
232 | MacCardy, John T. "Common priciples in psychology and physiology." Cambridge 1928. |
233 | Koehler, Wolfgang. "The mentality of apes." London. 2nd Edition. 1927. |
234 | Thurstone and Jenkins. "Parentage, birth order and intelligence." University of Chicago Press. 1931. |
235 | Adrian, E. D. "The basis of sensation." London 1928. |
236 | Hollander, Bernard. "Brain, mind and the external signs of intelligence." London 1931. |
237 | Jeffreys, Harold. "Operational methods in mathematical physics." Cambridge Tracts in Maths. No. 23. Cambridge University Press. London. 2nd Edition. 1931. |
238 | Usherwood, T. S. and Trimble, C. J. A. "Practical mathematics." Part 2. London. 1916. |
239 | Thompson, L. M. Milne and Cowrie, L. J. "Standard 4-figure mathmatical tables." London 1931. |
240 | Howe, E. Graham. "Motives and mechanisms of the mind." London 1931. |
241 | Dodge, Raymond. "Conditions and consequences of human variability." Yale University Press. 1931. |
242 | Whitehead, A. N. "Science and the modern world." Cambridge 1926. |
243 | Smuts, J. C. "Holism and evolution." |
244 | Erlanger, Bishop and Gasser. "American Journal of Physiology." Vol.78. Page 574. 1926. |
245 | Turner, F. Douglas and Peurose, Lionel S. "An investigation in to the position in family of mental defectives." Journal of Mental Science. 1931. Vol.LXXVII, p. 512. |
246 | Snow, R. Proc. Royal Society. 12 March 1931. |
247 | Crile, (The body as an electric battery) |
248 | Earle, F. M. And Milner, M. "Use of performance tests of intelligence in vocational guidance." Industrial Fatigue Research Board. His Majesty's Stationary Office. London. 1929. |
249 | Smuts, J. C. "Discussion on the evolution of the universe." Nature. 1931. Vol.128, p. 718. |
250 | Lodge, Oliver. Nature. 1931. Vol.128, p. 722. |
251 | Lodge, Oliver. "Ether and reality." London. |
252 | Stewart, R. M. and Ashby, W. R. "Angioma arteriale racemosum in an acallosal brain." Journal of Neurology and Psychopathology. 1931. XI, p. 289. |
253 | Ashby, W. R. "The path theory of cortical function." Journal of Neurology and Psychopathology. 1931. XII, 148. |
254 | Sherringham, C. S. "On some aspect of reflex inhibition." Proc. Royal Society. 1925. XCVII. B, 519. |
255 | Adrian, E. D. and Buytendijk, F. J. J. Journal Of Physiology. 1931. LXXI, 121. |
256 | Bazelt, H. C. and others. Arch. of neurology and psychiatry. 1932, XXVII, 489. |
257 | Kubie, Lawrence S. "A theoretical application to some neurological problems of the properties of excitation waves which move in closed circuits." Brain. 1930. LIII, 166. |
258 | Creed, R. S. "The physiological intergration of sensory processes within the gray matter of the nervous system." Brain. 1931. LIV, 29. |
259 | Huxley, Julian S. "Problems of relative growth." London 1932. |
260 | Sherrington, C. S. and Creed, R. S. "Reflex activity in the spinal chord." |
261 | Parker, G. H. "Humoural agents in nervous activity." Cambridge University Press. 1932. |
262 | Findlay, J. Arthur. "On the edge of the etheric." London 1931. |
263 | Hogben, L. T. "The pigmentary effector system." London 1924. |
264 | Fredericq, H. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 96. 1927. (Supplement), 3-38. |
265 | Phillips, E. G. "A course of analysis." London 1930. |
266 | Ross, T. A. "An intrduction to analytical psych. therapy" London 1932. |
267 | Douglas, A. C. "The physical mechanism of the human mind." Edinburgh 1932. |
268 | Wickland, Carl A. "Thirty years among the dead." Los Angeles, California. 1924. |
269 | Geley, Gustave. "Clairvoyance and Materialisation." (Translation.) London 1927. |
270 | Münsterberg, Hugo. "Beiträge zur experimentellen Psychologie." Vol II, p. 61. |
271 | Carrington, Hereward. "The story of psychic science." London 1930. |
272 | Kilner, Walter J. "The human atmosphere." |
273 | Couirie, L. J. (ed.). "Barlow's tables of squares etc." |
274 | Oessterreich, T. K. "Possession, demoniacal and other." Translation. London 1930. |
275 | Garrod, Lawrence P. and Hadfield, Geoffrey. "Recent advances in pathology." London 1932. |
276 | Draper, George. "Human constitution." London 1924. |
277 | Lewin, K. and Zeigarnik. Psychologische Forschung, 9, 1927. |
278 | Hogben, Lancelot. "Genetic principles in medicine and social science." London 1931. |
279 | Knight Rex. "The explanation of animal behaviour." Article in Nature. Vol. 130. Oct. 29 1932, p. 650. |
280 | Petermann, Bruno. "The Gestalt theory and the problem of configuration." London 1932. |
281 | Weiss, Paul. "Erregungsresonanz und Erregungsspezifität." Erg. D. Biologie 1928, vol. III. |
282 | Weiss, Paul. "Neue Theorie der Nervenfunctionen" Nat. Wiss. 16. 1928. |
283 | Detwiller. "Coordinated movements in superumenary transplanted limbs." Journal Coml. Neurol. 38. 1925. |
284 | Imms, A. D. "Social behaviour in insects." London 1931. |
285 | Lashley, Karl S. (edited by). "Studies in dynamics of behaviour." Chicago 1932. |
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